Sunday, 20 October 2019

No Two patients with the same ailment are prescribed the same Homoepathic medicine.

Have you ever wondered why a Homoepathic Doctor prescribes two different medicines to two patients having the same ailment?? This is a genuine doubt being raised by every "homoepathic enthusiast".
      Homoepathic science is developed on the basis of certain principles and ground rules which enables a physician to follow and stick to them in prescribing a medicine.The first and the foremost principle is SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR, which means LIKE CURES LIKE.Having said that, no two people with the same ailment are prescribed same homoepathic medicine.No Two patients having fever are given the same medicine.
   The most important thing to understand here is, our basis for prescription is the patient's history.This history will cover whole lot of spheres pertaining to his ailment; the causes for his ailment, his diet, his exposure to external environment, his family history, physician's clinical observations about the patient, and last but the most important, is his psychological wear and tear since the onset of disease..(the most important ground for prescription).
    On closely observing the above said points, we can easily understand that no two people will have same history, same pace of the onset of symptoms, same lifestyle, same dietary habits,nonetheless the same mindset or behavioural how can a same medicine be prescribed to two different patients...for that matter even the twins may require different medicines..
  Why is it so?? Because there is something known as the patient's INDIVIDUALITY.This individuality belongs to him and only himself, that he picks up since he is in the mother's womb.That very individuality gives a way to this disease and decides the path which the disease will follow in his  body.Hence a suitable medicine is prescribed considering whole of this phenomenon  which we call in Homoepathy as CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY.
    Next time you go to a homoepathic doctor,will not try to raise the query that why you and your sister both had symptoms of flu, but both are being prescribed unlike medicines.Let us allow him to do his job and try not judge his knowledge!!!

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